Someone close to me once said “Next time Chanel, just have more faith”. Those words stung and stuck with me as I realised, I had allowed the fear of the future to affect many areas of my life. It wasn’t that I didn’t have faith, I did. But I was allowing my fears to be greater than my faith.
Marriage & Motherhood as a Newlywed
My husband, Miki, and I met at work in London in 2018, he had joined both my company and the same client I was working with. As we shook hands professionally on his first day, there was a curiosity (and attraction) that we both experienced and later confirmed to each other.
Fatherhood: The Journey from Boy to Man
Click to Listen Intro; Background on myself Hey, my name is Kwame. I am 36…
Overcoming Suicidal Thoughts
I can’t lie when ‘TransparentC’ asked me to share this, my heart sank into my stomach. I’ve shared my difficulties with suicidal thoughts before, and in 2021 I broke the cycle of shame I had attached to it by being transparent via an Insta post. However, to now go in depth publicly is another level of vulnerability…
Dealing with Depression
I first felt the symptoms (of what I now know was Depression) in mid/late 2021. I started to feel anxious about doing many things such as, working, playing football, public speaking, etc. I started to feel like I wasn’t good enough.
Balancing Motherhood, 9-5 & Entrepreneurship
My name is Brenda. Hey! I am a 35 years old Wife and Mother of 2 boys aged 4 and 6 months…